Popular Drama

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sisters Of Pearl - 掌上明珠

available Arrived

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Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-28

Hsuan Jessica Hester 宣 萱
Sheung Tin Ngor 商天娥
Bowie Lam 林保怡
Dao Tai Yu 陶大宇
Tang Lai Ming 滕麗名
Macy Chan 陳美詩
Chan Shan Chung 陳山聰
Tsang Wai Kuen 曾偉權

After the death of her husband, CHU PIK-HA (Hsuan Jessica Hester) returns to her maiden home with her son, in a deliberate attempt to take over the family jewelry business from her big sister CHU PIK-WAN (Sheung Tin Ngor). To prevent HA from getting too out of hand, WAN needs her matrilocal husband HO CHEUNG-HING (Bowie Lam) to create trouble for her sibling. HING does not follow her instructions, but instead secretly helps HA tackle her problems one by one. WAN soon comes to realize that HING has never really got over HA. WAN's little sister CHU PIK-LAM (Macy Chan) is still attending school and too young to deal with such family issues. WAN feels a profound sense of helplessness and becomes even more frustrated when SO LAI-SHEUNG (Tang Lai Ming) turns up suddenly claiming to be a mistress of her late father and pregnant with his baby. Out of respect for their father, the sisters agree to put SHEUNG up for the time being until the situation becomes clearer. Shortly thereafter, HA discovers that SHEUNG is just a tool of her cousin HUNG YIU-SANG (Dao Tai Yu), who has been plotting to wage a battle of wills against the CHUs.

朱碧霞(宣萱) 丧夫后帶同儿子回外家,刻意插手一向由大家姐朱碧云(商天娥)管理的珠宝店业务,碧云为免二妹得势,着入贅丈夫何祥兴(林保怡)施计令碧霞出丑,可惜祥兴 枪头对內,竟暗中帮助碧霞渡过多次难关,碧云始发现祥兴对碧霞余情未了,而正在求学的三妹朱碧霖(陈美诗)对家事亦一晓不通,碧云感四面楚歌间,一名自称 是朱父的情妇蘇丽嫦(滕丽名)突然杀入朱家,更声称已怀有父亲的骨肉,朱家三姐妹为表尊重亡父的遗属,只好暂时收留丽嫦,靜观其变。未几,碧霞却发现丽嫦 原來是表哥洪耀生(陶大宇)所埋下爭家产的棋子..


  1. The ploy is a bit old fashioned but people normally like good ending.

    As usual the bad people get their retribution and the good ones survive at the end.

    The best performance is the little boy as he plays his role very well. A smart and obedient boy - anyone will wish to have one.

    If you like good ending, this drama will definitely not disappoint you.
