Popular Drama

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Queens of Diamonds and Hearts - 東西宮略

Available Arrived


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Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese English and Malay (confirm)

Roger Kwok,
Fala Chen,
Sharon Chan,
Louis Yuen,
Koni Lui,
Raymond Cho,
Yoyo Chen,
Ben Wong,
Oscar Leung

Emperor Chai Suen (Roger Kwok) visited the deep mountains to seek martial arts expert Chung Mo Yim's (Fala Chen) assistance to revive the Chai Empire. Suen blurted out that he can do anything for her in return. Later after completing the task, Yim requests that she wants to be the Empress, but Suen had just promised to give the title to the naturally beautiful Ha Ying Cheun (Sharon Chan). Suen's legal adviser An Ying (Louis Yuen) quickly comes up with a plan to separate the two into the East and West palaces to temporarily prevent any disputes. In fact, Yim only wanted to be the Empress so she can help Emperor Chai take care of the country's affairs. Cheun, however, watches closely for an opportunity to take revenge. The two Queens uses gentle methods and force to battle one another. Emperor Chai loves Cheun for her beauty, but in hope for a prosperous future of his country, he also does not dare to offend the strategic Yim.

演员: 郭晋安、陈法拉、陈敏之、阮兆祥、黄智贤、曹永廉、阮小仪、吕慧仪

齐宣王为了重振齐国声威,到深山寻找高人钟无艳相助,在情急之 际顺口开河以“无条件”作回报,事成后钟无艳竟狮子张大口要当皇后娘娘,但齐宣王刚又答应立拥有国色天香的夏迎春为后,谏官晏英速速献计宣王立二人为东宫 和西宫始暂缓风波。其实无艳当皇后只想辅助宣王打理国事,而迎春却绵里藏针伺机报仇,两位娘娘软硬兼施大斗法......宣王钟爱迎春的美貌,但求国运亨 通亦不敢得罪足智多谋的无艳,更多番利用她单纯的真爱......谁料一场六星连珠异象,各人身份大兜乱,引发连场笑话……

The Hippocratic Crush - On Call 36 小時

Available Arrived


Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese English and Malay (confirm)

Kenneth Ma
Tavia Yeung
Him Law
Mandy Wong
Derek Kok
Wilson Tsui
Nathan Ngai
Benjamin Yuen
Paisley Hu
Ben Wong
Mary Hon
Bruce Li

Each day and night,in a race against time, a group of medical interns and residents attempt to help their patients triumph illness and death. However, what is the real mission of these future doctors and what can be mastered in the end?

Graduating neurosurgery resident, Cheung Yat Kin (Kenneth Ma) was intent on sending his disabled younger brother to study overseas. Thus, Yat Kin concentrated on work to earn money and neglected his own love life until he met medical intern, Fan Zi Yu (Tavia Yang), who possessed the same passion in medical studies. Zi Yu came from a family of famous doctors. Strongly attracted by Yat Kin’s abilities and personality, Zi Yu took the initiative to pursue him.

While Yat Kin was still hesitant, the sudden death of his brother led to Yat Kin’s drastic change in temperament. The staff of the entire hospital, including a group of new interns, such as Yeung Pui Chung (Him Law) and Zi Yu’s younger sister, Kong Mei Shuet (Mandy Wong) respected Yat Kin greatly. During Yat Kin’s lowest point, Zi Yu was diagnosed with a serious illness…

演员: 马国明、杨怡、罗仲谦、黄智雯、袁伟豪、张慧雯、黄智贤、曹永廉


即 将毕业的神经外科实习医生张一健(马国明)为了让双腿瘫痪的弟弟可顺利到外国求学,一直专心工作赚钱不碰感情事,直至遇上同样对医学充满热诚的实习医生范 子妤(杨怡)。子妤是名医之后,深被一健的能力与个性吸引,主动向他展开追求攻势。当一健仍在犹豫之际,弟弟突然离世,一健性情大变,医院上下甚至一群新 来的实习生如杨沛聪(罗仲谦)和子妤的亲妹洪美雪(黄智雯)都对他敬而远之,就在一健低沉之时,子妤被证实患上重病……

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Let It Be Love - 4 In Love

Available Arrived

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese English and Malay (confirm)


Moses Chan
Charmaine Sheh
Kenny Wong
Elvina Kong
Rachel Kan
King Kong
Tracy Ip
Wi Kar Hung
Florence Kwok
Patrick Dun


The series revolves around 4 love stories.

A short public officer (Wai Kar Hung) falls for a 42-inch long leg beauty (Tracy Ip). Due to their mismatched appearance, the couple goes through twist and turns, but in fact their so-called distance is only 5 inches...

Sport News Prince (Kenny Wong) always falls in love with women with boyfriends (Alvina Kong). The distance between the Prince and these women are just a matter of timing...

An one-night stand wealthy guy (King Kong) can easily make women undress. It's no wonder they aren't any mysterious creatures that interests him. The distance between this wealthy guy and true love is the mismatch of morals.

The love between Asia's Superstar (Charmaine Sheh) and a mechanic from MongKok (Moses Chan) is a distance like heaven and earth...


陳豪, 佘詩曼, 黃德斌, 江欣燕, 簡慕華, 金剛, 葉翠翠, 韋家雄, 郭少芸, 鄧梓峰


有一種社會學的觀點指:在有限的生存空間內,而人口又不斷膨脹,人與人間的物理距離愈見拉近,精神上的相互 距離即成反正,所以人與人間充滿各種距離,並非宿命,而是科學數據支持下的一個無奈結果。

四個都市男人,表面上沒有交集,然而人與人的關係卻是那麼微妙,潘俊謙(黃德斌飾)、鍾炳良(韋家雄飾)與 林力行(金剛飾)偶然下促成了一次意外,影響了余鎮東(陳豪飾)的一生,但彼此卻不自知……。

鎮東靄瑤 身份懸殊
童靄瑤(佘詩曼飾)得悉重傷昏迷成植物人的鎮東為其忠心影迷,特地到醫院探望,鎮東竟奇蹟地甦醒過來,為此 得到了與夢中女神共晉晚餐的機會。此後二人一次又一次地巧遇,就像是上天有意撮合一樣,強烈的緣分令人無法 抗拒,漸漸走在一起。

正當二人沉醉在童話般似的甜蜜時,才驚訝的發現,一切所謂的偶遇,全是靄瑤背後的經理人團隊所擺佈,為的只 是製造話題,謀求商業利益。鎮東感到被玩弄了,終於看清彼此間的鴻溝和分歧,夢想幻滅。

在分開的日子,二人回想起在一起時的甜蜜,原來不管有沒有那些偶遇,那些簡單平凡的快樂就是最真實的幸福, 但如今二人已各自回到自己所屬的地方,身處兩個遙遠世界……。

俊謙姚丹 情路兜轉
俊謙是一名電視台的體育主播,與另一主播楊志華(鄧梓峰飾)同是前香港籃球代表隊隊員,二人感情要好,俊謙 亦因此與志華的主播妻子馮姚丹(江欣燕飾)甚為熟絡。

俊謙感情連番遭受打擊後,重遇初戀女友羅詠芝(朱慧敏飾)。此番重遇,俊謙有感時機已至,於是決定向詠芝求 婚,豈料詠芝原來牽涉一宗商業案件,即將面臨十年的監禁……。與此同時,俊謙得悉一個震撼的消息,原來志華 一直暗戀自己。姚丹傷心欲絕,毅然與志華離婚,俊謙作為姚丹的好朋友,一直在其身邊扶持,二人相處下來,似 有異樣情愫漸漸產生……。

炳良思澄 五吋距離
炳良因小意外腳傷入院,遇上同時受傷入院的周思澄(葉翠翠飾),二人異常投契,變成好友。但出院之日,炳良 才驚覺思澄是接近六呎的高妹,比自己的身高多出達五吋之多。二人即使如何投契,身高差距終使他們心生芥蒂, 加上害怕各方的怪異目光,認為二人不匹配,令二人倍添壓力,無奈之下,二人唯有抑制內心的情感,只當好友, 繼而各自尋找合適的另一半。

兜兜轉轉,跌過碰過,二人才驚覺命定之人,原來早在身邊!但炳良仍為那五吋的距離所困擾,不能放開懷抱和思 澄發展下去,思澄唯有施展渾身解數……。

力行希妍 情慾角力
力行是一個年輕有為的金融才俊,在他的世界,所有女人都是用身體來交往的,直至一件事情的發生,改寫了他對 男女關係的看法…。

一次嚴重的投資失誤,為他帶來極重大的心理壓力,飽受「鬼剃頭」的痛苦。當他找到合適的生髮藥能解決脫髮問 題時,另一個更慘烈的男人之苦隨即而生,他沒想到服用此種生髮藥,竟會降低男人的性能力!

力行第一次切身反思到何謂真正的男女關係,正當他在尋求性以外的另一些途徑來嘗試建立關係,恰巧此時張希妍 (簡慕華飾)出現在眼前,面對這個從前和自己有過一夜情、同樣是夜店玩家的女人,力行有感在沒有性的前題下 都能與她相處,更逐漸發現自己原來早就對她有著不一樣的感覺……。