Popular Drama

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Watchdog's Tale - 老友狗狗

available Arrived


Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-20

Kent Cheng
Steven Ma
Linda Chung
Raymond Wong
Maggie Siu


LAI CHUN SING (Kent Cheng) has been in the police force for 30 years, working in the front-line CID department for the first 5 years. During one investigation, his assistant police dog was saving a life, however he ended up exchanging his life and passed away. Struck by the death, SING decided to join the Police Dog Unit. In the 25 years, he advanced from a dog caretaker to an instructor and plans to use his retirement money to open a dog care center, allowing dog owners to bring their dogs for training and play.

SING's wife had died several years ago and left him with an obedient daughter LAI SIN YUE (Linda Chung). YUE had been influenced by her father, loving animals as if their people and even studied to become a Veterinarian in Australia. After returning to HK, she worked in a veterinary clinic, spreading all the knowledge she knows about animal care to the public who has limited knowledge. Later she decides to join in with her father to work in the dog care center to do veterinary work.

HO TIN YAU (Raymond Wong) is SING's student, while CHOW YUNG KUNG (Steven Ma) is his older cousin. KUNG and YUE are a bickering pair. On the first meeting, Yue accidentally injured him and cause him embarrassment, therefore did not have a good impression on her. Later, after getting to know her, Kung began to have feelings for her and tried to pursue her. However, in Yue's eyes, he has no loving heart for dogs and even wanted to eat dog meat. To this, Yue rejected his love.

富家女蔣天娥(邵美琪)被綁架,其愛犬Candy情緒及行為出現异常,天娥获释后遍寻兽医也找不着病因,最終到围村找上刚开设犬舍的黎俊升(郑则士),天 娥將Candy交予俊升训练,二人常有齟齬,但因俊升是退休警犬队教官,又令Candy情況逐步好转,天娥惟有收捡小姐脾氣,任由俊升指指点点。天娥一直 未能放下綁架案的疑团,希望自行找寻线索,其间更误会犬舍的包租公周用恭(马浚伟),是綁匪之一,幸得俊升与退休警犬Bingo协助调查,用恭才得以洗脫 嫌疑。本与俊升狗咬狗骨的有恭決定改变自己,除了加入犬只训练班,更要做个愛狗的主人,他的突变令俊升當兽医的女儿黎羨如(钟嘉欣)也因而对他另眼相 看..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-20

Christine Ng
Kate Tsui
Sharon Chan
Chris Lai


Setting out on their quest for fame and fortune, three female TV stars of different backgrounds are resolved to achieve their dreams at any price. But after so many ups and downs in their acting careers, they finally come to discover the secret of true beauty.

Driven by sheer vanity, KO CHING MAN (Kate Tsui) takes part in a beauty pageant despite the strong opposition of her mother, a long-retired actress named CHEUNG LAI HUNG (Yuen King Tan), and leaps to stardom soon after winning the championship. Rising actress TONG HO YEE (Sharon Chan) feels threatened by MAN and decides to join another TV station to look for a breakthrough, which is not supported by her production assistant friend DEACON CHONG (Lai Lok Yi). Leading actress KEUNG CHIN FUNG (Ng Wing Mei) used to be a bitter rival of HUNG. Realizing that MAN's acting career is taking off at top speed, FUNG means to approach her as a mentor, through which she hopes to drag the girl into her moral downfall bit by bit. Desperate for everlasting beauty, FUNG injects herself with illegal substances in an attempt to slow the aging process. But things do not really go as planned and her face starts to change in shape. Her advertising deal with a cosmetics company is subsequently canceled and MAN has soon replaced her as the new product endorser. Even the Award of Best Actress, which she has won for years, is slipping out of her hands. To vent her anger, FUNG seeks to extract revenge on MAN, finally plunging her into a world of pain and trouble.


高青雯(徐子珊)为满足虚荣心,不理息影母亲张丽虹(苑琼丹)的反对参加电视台选美,勇夺冠军后一夕窜红,新紥姐仔 唐可儿(陈敏之)感自己地位受到威胁,为求出位跳槽敌台做一姐,任职助导的好朋友庄迪勤(黎诺懿)对她多番劝导亦无效。另一边厢,当年与丽虹有过节的电视 台一姐姜展凤(伍咏薇)见青雯气势如虹,故意指导她演戏技巧,为要讨好她,引诱她沉沦堕落;可惜展凤妄图永远的美丽而过量注射美顏禁药,令容貌变形,化妆 品广告被青雯取代,就连蝉联多届视后之位亦恐怕拱手让人,展凤愤恨难平,施阴招连番加害青雯,累她饱受千夫所指,一蹶不振..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

You Are My Destiny / You Are My Life / 너는 내 운명 / 你是我的命运

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Korean, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-178


Im Yoon Ah as Jang Sae Byuk

Kim family

Lee Ji Hoon as Kim Tae Poong
Lee Pil Mo as Kim Tae Young
Jang Yong as Kim Dae Jin (Tae Poong’s father)
Jung Ae Ri as Oh Young Sook (Tae Poong’s mother)
Kim Hyo Seo as Kim Na Young (Tae Poong’s deceased sister)
Sa Mi Ja as Son Poong Geum (Dae Gu’s mother)
Gong Hyun Joo as Kim Soo Bin
Kang Suk Woo as Kim Dae Gu (Soo Bin’s father)
Lee Hye Sook as Hong Yeon Shil (Soo Bin’s mother)

Kang family

Park Jae Jung as Kang Ho Se
Lee Seol Ah as Kang Yu Ri (Ho Se’s sister)
Hyun Suk as Kang Chil Bok (Ho Se’s father)
Yang Geum Suk as Seo Min Jung (Ho Se’s mother)
Kim Hyung Il as Kang Charles (Chil Bok’s brother / Yeon Shil’s dance tutor)

Ban family

Kim Jung Nan as Ban So Young
Park Min Ji as Ban Yoon Hee
Sun Woo Yong Nyeo as Lee Hwa Ran (So Young’s mother)


Jang Sae Byuk is a a girl who tries to find a new meaning in life after she receives an eye cornea transplant from the doctor that took care of her after her accident. That doctor, Kim Na Young, died in a car accident on her way back from Africa. Sae Byuk becomes close with the Na Young's family after finding them. The family slowly accepts her as part of the family. Kang Ho Se and Kim Tae Poong, Na Young's twin brother, have disliked each other since they were young kids. This is mostly Tae Poong hates Ho Se because Ho Se's family was rich and because Tae Poong's father was Ho Se's father's driver and his mother was the maid.

Brilliant Legacy / Shining Inheritance / 찬란한 유산 / 灿烂的遗产

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Korean, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-28

Han Hyo Joo as Go Eun Sung
Lee Seung Ki as Sun Woo Hwan
Bae Soo Bin as Park Jun Se
Moon Chae Won as Yoo Sung Mi


Go Eun Sung’s life is similar to Cinderella’s. After her father died, her step-mother, Baek Sung Hee, took away all of her assets and her younger brother, Eun Woo, suddenly disappears without a trace. Despite this, Eun Sung preservers and works really hard to fulfill her dreams. When the CEO of a food company, Jang Sook Ja, suffers amnesia and can’t remember who she is Eun Sung takes her in. However, Eun Sung does not know that she is the grandmother of Sun Woo Hwan, the man who she switched bags with at the airport. How will their constant bickering lead them to realize that they care more about each other than they let on?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Chip Off the Old Block 巴不得爸爸


Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-20

Sunny Chan
Ron Ng
Myolie Wu
David Chiang
Shirley Yeung
Gigi Wong
Nancy Wu
Louis Yuen


The relationship between the father and son had always been distant. The son felt that the father's set of principles were too outdated. The father always mentioned that he had a strange encounter in his younger days, but the son was certain that it was just his excuse to cover up his failure. During the period when their relationship was the most strained, the father met an accident and went into a coma, with his life hanging on a thread. The son was remorseful, and while feeling lost and helpless, he accidentally traveled back in time - returning to the younger days of his father... The father and son actually became good friends. In this simple generation-period, the son learned how to get along with others again, and experienced how valuable relationships with his closed ones are. He even witnessed the strange encounter during his father's younger days - which was actually that the father had met up with the son, whom wasn't supposed to be born yet at that time...

俗谚虽有云「虎父无犬子」,但对於楚氏两父子来说的确有点牵强,因他俩不论性格、对人处事、甚至人生目标都是南辕北 辙。父亲楚帆(陈锦鸿)由内到外尽是六十年代情怀、儿子楚慈(吴卓羲)则嫌自己活在廿一世纪步伐还太慢;一个跨时空、跨时代的时装喜剧,当中发生的情节不 单使人百般回味,更让人悟思到「将相本无种,男儿当自强」的硬道理。

廿一世纪的楚慈阴差阳错回到父亲楚帆年少气盛时的六十年代,父子情摇身变了兄弟情,楚慈获楚帆好心收留后,因而结识 了麵档缩骨老闆高山泉(姜大伟),泼辣包租婆谭兰青(黄淑仪) 、斗气小情人程兰芬(杨思琦)及千金小姐梁翩翩(胡定欣)。楚慈得罪人多,称呼人少,令同屋共住如敛财沙展牛正荣(阮兆祥)等人皆对他神憎鬼厌,只有楚帆 一直处处维护他,又介绍他到百货公司工作,但好大喜功的楚慈一如过往,只懂埋怨父亲作风守旧、损己利人的性格,更不慎连累同屋共主几乎无家可归;楚慈又恶 意破坏父亲与老千苏凤妮(胡杏儿)的感情关係,正当他悔悟过来时,才知道自己原来..