Popular Drama

Friday, December 31, 2010

Home Troopers - 居家兵團

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1 - 20

汪明荃 Liza Wang
夏雨 Ha Yu
郑嘉颖 Kevin Cheng
廖碧儿 Bernice Liu
苟芸慧 Christine Kuo
曹永廉 Raymond Cho
王浩信 Vincent Wong
黄智雯 Mandy Wong

多年来,黎嘉嘉(汪明荃)劳心劳力把一家打理得井井有条,不单丈夫诸葛河(夏雨)对这位强人师奶言听计从,大儿子诸葛靖(郑嘉颖)更视母亲的所有决 定为金科玉律。当嘉嘉自觉已为家人铺排了最理想的人生计划时,才惊觉靖隐瞒她入股了家居清洁公司做老板,二人大吵一场,与此同时,公司拍挡祈永发(曹永 廉)又无故失踪,靖几乎面临破产,幸好嘉嘉不计前嫌,立即全家总动员,日以继夜做家务助理,协助儿子渡过难关。可惜,公司人手短缺,靖被迫收留永发的女友 童金宝(廖碧儿)作帮手,更对她由怜生爱;另外,二女儿诸葛蓉(黄智雯)与有妇之夫唐守礼(王浩信)陷入不伦之恋,孖仔亦沉迷追女仔荒废学业,诸葛家卷起 了一场又一场的家庭风暴……最后,他们是如何克服重重障碍,破镜重圆,体会个人与家庭原来也需要共同成长……。

All these years, LAI KA-KA (Liza Wang) has been looking after her family well. Both her husband CHU KOT HO (Ha Yu) and her eldest son CHU KOT CHING (Kevin Cheng) look up to her as their temporal and spiritual leader.

Although KA is resolute in her belief that she has the best plans for her family, CHING secretly invests in a domestic cleaning agency without consulting her mother. When KA finds out, they have a terrible quarrel.

Suddenly, CHING's business partner KEI WING-FAT (Raymond Cho) disappears all of a sudden and puts him at substantial risk of bankruptcy. He has no choice but to run to KA for help.

CHING immediately arranges for the whole family to share the work, hoping that this would help him out of crisis. Due to manpower shortages, CHING decides to hire FAT's girlfriend TUNG KAM-PO (Bernice Liu) as a temporary worker and later even falls in love with her.

On the other hand, KA's daughter CHU KOT YUNG (Mandy Wong) has been dating a married man TONG SHAU-LAI (Vincent Wong) while her youngest twin boys have spent too much time messing around with girls rather than concentrating on their studies.

All these recent happenings have sparked tension between KA and her children, causing a series of family rifts. Can they overcome their problems and maintain their family ties?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Some Day 天天天晴

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese

Subtitle : Chinese

Episodes 1 - 117

Louise Lee
Teresa Mo
Wayne Lai
Kristal Tin
Wong He
Lau Dan
Johnson Lee
Aimee Chan
Tsui Wing
Matt Yeung
Jason Chan

After taking charge of her deceased husband’s jewelry shop, MING SUM-ON (Lee Sze Kei) makes it a big success with the help of both jewelry designers, MA HO-MAN (Cheng Tse Sing) and his wife CHENG KIU (Teresa Mo). However, KIU falls out with SUM after her divorce with MAN for SUM didn’t tell her that MAN was committing adultery. SUM’s youngest uncle (Lee Sze Chit) tries to mediate between them but it doesn’t work. On top of the dispute with KIU, SUM is also troubled by the Administrative Consultant CHU BO (Lau Tan) who is assigned by her husband’s family and the rebellious step daughter SHEK HO-YEE (Aimee Chan). With the support of her best friend LAM CHING-LING (Kristal Tin) after the divorce, KIU has transformed from a home-loving housewife into a total workaholic. Consequently, she is promoted as chief designer and achieves great success at work.

「龙福」是本地名门「石敢当集团」旗下的珠宝店,在老板娘明心安领 导下,经历九七回归、亚洲金融风暴、沙士和金融海啸等大大小小风波,由濒临结业至成为数一数二的珠宝店品牌。精明的心深受店内员工及同行敬重,令人艳羡。 虽然风光背后事业和家庭各有隐忧,但乐观的她积极面对,充满正能量。心的亡夫,为「石敢当集团」石家的次子石有信,但信于1995年身故,遗下心及其与前 妻林蕙所生的5岁女儿石可儿。石家的掌舵人、石敢当集团董事长石有为,对出身寒微的弟妇心看不顺眼,而其妻高艳容则表面对心不错。在容的安排下,石家把家 族集团旗下的一家小型老式金舖「龙福」交给心打理,并把「龙福」近一半股份转到心名下,当作心日后的生活所依。时至今日,「龙福」在心的悉心经营下,加上 其得力助手珠宝设计师马浩文及井乔的努力,非但业务上了轨道,而且每年都有盈利增长,反较业绩滑落的「石敢当集团」更具发展潜力。石家岂会放过这块肥肉, 着「龙福」的打金老师傅相继退休,石有为「空降」表弟朱保来当特别业务顾问兼掌管打金部门,心看出这是夫家密谋重掌「龙福」的一个长线部署。

Dong Yi 同伊

SOLD OUT!!! Pre-Order available
Confirm Good Quality 8.5GB DVD X 9
Arrived TOP Best seller HOT!!

Free Normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
: Korea & Mandarin
Subtitles: English & Chinese

Episodes: 1 - 60


Han Hyo Ju韩孝珠
Ji Jin Hee池珍熙
Bae Soo Bin裴秀彬
Lee So Yeon李素妍

Episodes: 1-60

Set during the reign of King Sukjong in the Joseon dynasty, the story focuses on Dong Yi, a water maid who gains the trust of Queen Inhyeon and later the favour of the king when he is moved by her prayers for the health of the Queen during the court disputes caused by Jang Hee Bin. Dong Yi becomes a concubine with the rank of sook-bin and bears a son who will later become the 21st king of Joseon, Yeongjo

如果说李丙勋PD的《大长今》讲述的是料理和艺术的话,那么《同伊》就是音乐和科学调查官的故事。由于父亲 是验尸人,同伊从小就从尸检中,对科学的分析有自己独到的见解。同伊进入掌乐院(宫中音乐院)学习音乐,她的聪慧伶俐得到肃宗的肯定,在宫中监察部(宫中 监视不正之风的机构)中发挥出卓越的才能。从聪慧卓越的女主人公的“宫廷成功记”这一点上看,可以说是《大长今》的续集。

Monday, December 13, 2010

Links to Temptation - 誘情轉駁

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-20

徐遇安 Tsu Yu On
刘枝华 Lau Chi Wah
马浚伟 Steven Ma
陈法拉 Fala Chen
蒙嘉慧 Yoyo Mung
黄德斌 Wong Tak Bun
李思捷 Lee Sze Chit
洪天明 Hung Tin Ming
黄智贤 Wong Chi Yin
刘 丹 Lau Tan

执业大律师成伟信(马浚伟)因为一部手机与钢管舞女郎熊朗荞(陈法拉)开始了一段微妙的感情关系,但朗荞对伟信若即若离,加上她行为神秘,伟信暗中 调查她,伟信的好友关可晴(蒙嘉慧)主动帮手,发现朗荞正与一名富商高永泰(刘丹)来往,朗荞在伟信追问之下终表露真相,坦承接近永泰只为钱财,并叫伟信 死心,但原来朗荞的所作所为背后全受一位神秘人的操控,而这个人就近在眼前.本剧人物关系错综复杂,纠缠道德与金钱之间,人性不同层次的贪婪与骄恣无所遁 形……。

The subtle relationship between Barrister SHING WAI-SHUN (Steven Ma) and pole dancer HUNG LONG-KIU (Fala Chen) begins with a cell phone. KIU has been treating SHUN hot and cold. On top of this, he also finds her somewhat unpredictable. He decides to check her out secretly. His good friend, KWAN HO-CHING (Yoyo Mung) discovers that KIU is going out with rich businessman KO WING-TAI (Lau Tan). Under SHUN’s questioning, KIU confesses she is coveting TAI’s money, telling him to relinquish hope. It turns out that a mysterious man, who has been close, at hand is controlling KIU. Laying bare the darkest side of human nature, Links to Temptation is a thriller about morality, money, greed and arrogance.