Popular Drama

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gun Metal Grey - 刑警

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-30

演员 Cast:

苗侨伟 Miu Kiu Wai
黄日华 Wong Yat Wa
宣 萱 Jessica Hester Hsuan
胡定欣 Nancy Wu
王浩信 Wong Ho Shun
王君馨 Grace Wong
陈秀珠 Chan Sau Chu
梁烈唯 Leung Lit Wai

When a cop expresses his grievance and anger onto the world, he becomes the most dangerous man on the force. Taken from the top ten famous unsolved cases in Hong Kong, Gun Metal Grey depicts a cop’s road to destruction as well as the very truth of human nature.

Fifteen years ago, upright police officer SHEK TUNG SING (Wong Yat Wa) was falsely accused of murder and sentenced to prison. Now that he has been discharged, he decides to get to the bottom of the case. Unfortunately, he is unable to bring the culprit to justice because of lack of evidence.

As a result, his suppressed anger continues to churn within him and whenever the law fails to carry out justice, he takes matters into his own hand.

The sudden change in his character and behavior places his friendship with his teammate MAI ON DING (Miu Kiu Wai) to the test. Later, when he is trying to prevent DING from looking further into the case, he even hurts DING’s girlfriend, HUI MAN HIM (Jessica Hester Hsuan).

The competition begins to intensify between the two good friends when DING is determined to deal with SING according to the law.


昇出獄後,表面上對冤獄一事表現豁達,只要求復職當回警察,但暗裡卻執意要查出當年冤案的真相,誓要把真兇繩之以法。但當昇查知冤案真相,卻苦無証據把真 兇伏法時,昇十五年來潛藏著的仇恨終於爆發,在極度憤怒下,對真兇執行私刑、將其射殺。而昇內心潛藏著的極端嫉惡如仇的心理,在這刻得到了釋放,昇第一次 感受到替天行道的痛快。


自此,每當遇到法律未能即時制裁的兇徒,昇便以替天行道說服自己,執行地下裁判。時日漸進,昇變得享受這種凌駕於法律的權力和快感,甚至發展出一套歪理, 認為既然執法制度存在漏洞,這個世界便需要有地下執法。最後,昇走火入魔,當自己是上帝,終於演變成一個故意挑戰法律的危險人物,誰要是阻止他進行地下執 法,他就不惜一切剷除誰。



在昇的演變過程中,定作為昇的好拍檔兼好兄弟,也一同經歷了一段心理掙扎。定因當日所作證供,間接令昇坐了十五年冤獄,而對昇心生歉疚,於是協力幫昇追查 當年冤案,並與昇重建兄弟情,因此在昇對真兇執行私刑並遭到內部調查時,定在感情上出現了盲點,堅持維護他。昇亦因此利用定的信任,在定面前做雙面人。

後來,定從蛛絲馬跡開始懷疑昇,並試圖勸昇收手,昇卻堅持自己的歪理,從此兩人變成亦敵亦友。當昇越走越極端,故意挑戰法律、挑戰定的調查和阻撓時,兩人 由暗鬥變成明爭,昇更不惜拋棄兄弟情義,用各種方法打擊陷害定,甚至要脅定所愛的謙,逼定執行私刑、成為自己的同類人,但定始終堅持要用證據將昇繩之於 法,維護執法制度。

Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Regrets - 巾幗梟雄之義海豪情

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-31

演员 Cast:

邓萃雯 Tang Shui Man
黎耀祥 Lai Yiu Cheung
黄浩然 Wong Ho Yin
惠英红 Hui Ying Hung
陈法拉 Fala Chen
岳华 Yueh Hua
谢雪心 Susan Tse
敖嘉年 Pierre Ngo

三十年代的广州,政局动荡,黑道横行。由于鸦片生意利润丰厚,当时政府设立禁烟局,名为禁烟,实则公然贩卖私烟。主治禁烟局的黑帮龙头郑朗军(岳 华)的长女郑九妹(邓萃雯)突然从上海回来,希望染指鸦片生意,九妹为人心思慎密,做事心狠手辣。刑侦队长刘醒(黎耀祥)一生劳碌只求家人安稳过活,特别 是身患重病的妹妹刘晴(陈法拉)最令他牵肠挂肚。刘醒性格暴躁,但为人重情重义,爱手足,爱邻里;在一次生死关头,为保胆小怕事的手下唐吉(敖嘉年)差点 断送性命。



Guangzhou is in a state of political turmoil in the 1930s. Gangsters are on a rampage and opium trading becomes rampant. As they watch the illicit profits from opium trading escalate, the government forms the Anti-Smoking Bureau under the guise of suppressing opium, but the bureau is under the influence of CHENG LONG-KWAN (Yueh Hua), the gang’s kingpin. His eldest daughter CHENG KAU-MUI (Tang Shui Man) who is an unscrupulous person soon returns from Shanghai to reap the rewards. MUI meticulously plans her every move.

On the other hand, LAU SING (Lai Yiu Cheung) is the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team. He has worked hard all his life to ensure an easy trail for his family, especially for his bed-ridden younger sister LAU CHING (Fala Chen). Despite his hot temper, he values friendship and brotherhood more than anything else. Once, he almost sacrificed his life to help his timid teammate, TONG KAT (Pierre Ngo).

It is fated that MUI and SING should meet each other and survive many calamities. It is also fated that both are fierce contenders who will never give in, although mutual understanding and affection slowly grows between them.

Meanwhile, the Japanese army invades China and Guangzhou falls into the hands of the Japanese. MUI enters the darkest time in her life when her aunt CHENG LONG-HEI (Susan Tse) frames her.

Will SING always be by her side?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

OL Supreme 女王辦公室

available Arrived Best seller

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-80

Liza Wang 汪明荃
Chapman To 杜汶澤
Denise Ho 何韻詩
Ron Ng 吳卓羲
Joel Chan 陳山聰
Lau Kong 劉 江
Sire Ma 馬 賽
Lui Wai Yee 呂慧儀
Lam Lei


Divorced LUI SIU FUNG (Liza Wang) is the CEO's secretary of a mall management company and is the head of the company's secretaries. She has been working hard for many years in the company, deeply gaining the trust of the CEO SO DAI TUNG (Cheung Kwok Keung). SO is weak and afraid of dealing with situations, therefore behind the scenes its Fung who takes care of all the big business and issues happening around the company. The office is Fung's strongest area, she is the Queen of the Office, everyone in the company is afraid of her!

The Publicity Department will soon have a new manager, during the recruitment process Fung encounters single father SI SAP YAT (Chapman To) who she did not see as a secretary for a variety of reasons, but in the end he was appointed as one. One man in the secretary world led and dominated by women will eventually lead to a series of storms. Turns out that the new manager is no other than Fung's long lost daughter MIU SIK CHI (Denise Ho)!

Sik and Fung were separated for several years, the mother and daughter were originally very happy together, but Sik is very cold towards Fung. Sik's position is even higher than Fung in the office and was not adapted to the rules set by Fung. She was also not satisfied with how Fung treated her father in the past. In the office, the relationship between the two were full of storms, troubles and hatred.

Fung and her neighors knew each other for many years, but even after work Fung thinks of herself as a Queen. Fung is longing to learn more about her daughter Sik, but wanted to save face so she asked Sik's childhood nerdy friend LING SIU KEI (Ron Ng) who is a fan of busses to help be the mother and daughter's bridge. Kei lacked a mother since youth, while Fung who watched his growth is like a mother to him. When Sik and Kei met again, she recommended him to work in Fung's company becoming colleagues. After a while of working together, Kei unconsciously fell in love with Sik who only thought of him as a brother.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Every Move You Make - 讀心神探

available Arrived Best seller HOT!!

Free normal postage, registered mail add $2.5
Language : Cantonese, Chinese

Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay

Episodes 1-20

演员 Cast:
林保怡 Bowie Lam
黄宗泽 Bosco Wong
田蕊妮 Kristal Tin
陈茵媺 Aimee Chan
黎诺懿 Lai Lok Yi
谢雪心 Tse Suet Sum
于 洋 Yu Yang

曹永廉 Raymond Cho


但与他合作的同僚却满腹牢骚,像两位新调职的探员叶展婷(田蕊妮)及何礼贤(黄宗泽) ,在合作初期就因学琛不按常理行事,令他们难以适从。三人因而发生不少磨擦及误会,加上学琛发现继妹程贝儿(陈茵媺)与礼贤偷偷拍拖。刚离婚的展婷对自己 又萌生爱意,令他陷入种种不安及尴尬的状态。原来这位能轻易看穿他人心思的读心神探,多年来在内心深处,埋藏着一件连他自己也解不开的郁结……。

Crime Unit Senior Inspector, YIU HOK-SUM (Bowie Lam) has learnt his mind reading skills overseas. He is efficient and, by far, the most competent cop in his unit. He is able to analyze and read people’s minds just by observing their body language, facial expressions and from the tone of voice. In addition, he is also highly skilled when spotting disparities in testimonies and evidence.

However, his teammates find him to be a real pain in the neck. New comers, YIP CHIN-TING (Kristal Tin) and HO LAI-YIN (Bosco Wong) are especially annoyed by the unconventional way in which he does things. As a result, the pair often has confrontations and misunderstandings with the inspector. Things become worse when SUM learns that his half-sister, CHING PUI-YEE (Aimee Chan) is secretly going out with LAI, and that TING, who has recently been divorced, has a crush on him.