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Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay
Episodes 1-20
演员: 关永忠 Kwan Wing Chung
蔡淑贤 Choi Shuk Yin
夏 雨 Ha Yu
许绍雄 Hui Shiu Hung
商天娥 Sheung Tin Ngor
伍咏薇 Ng Wing Mei
陈 键锋 Sammul Chan
敖嘉年 Ngo Ka Nin
杨思琦 Shirley Yeung
唐诗咏 Natalie Tong
戴顾东(夏雨)经营的茶餐厅受金融风暴牵连陷入财困,急需资金周转,不知内情的叶慕升(许绍雄)觊觎茶餐厅的铺位主动入股,顾东 暂得援兵便埋头研制新菜式,谁料新请回来的散工崔喜喜(商天娥)炒了一碟蛋炒饭,深受米芝莲代表赏识,顾东对她宠爱有加。
一天,银行代表 利蓉姿(伍咏薇)突然出现,喜喜因迷债事件与她大打出手,喜喜受伤失忆,顾东为保米芝莲星级声誉,安排所有人假装为喜喜的家人,自己是喜喜的大哥,慕升是 丈夫,儿子是大提琴教师叶积良(陈键锋),就连女儿戴莹莉(唐诗咏)也被迫由积良的女朋友变做表妹,关系乱七八糟,惹来连番笑话… …麻烦事一浪接一浪,被银行辞退的蓉姿突然声称自己是茶餐厅的股东,要为茶餐厅作大改革;一家本来平凡不过的港式茶餐厅,突然三权分立,人人各怀鬼 胎……。
Severely hit by the financial turmoil in Hong Kong, TAI KU-TUNG’s (Ha Yu) restaurant is running short of capital while YIP MO-SING (Hui Shiu Hung) is interested in acquiring the restaurant’s location. He decides to invest in it, ignorant of the restaurant’s financial situation.
With the restaurant’s problem temporarily solved, TUNG concentrates on working out new dishes and ideas for the restaurant. He discovers TSUI HEI-HEI (Sheung Tin Ngor), a novice cook with a signature egg fried rice recipe. She even wins the appreciation of the Michelin food critic experts. As a result, TUNG treats her extremely well.
One day, a bank representative, LEI YUNG-CHI (Ng Wing Mei) pops into the restaurant and claims that HEI has a debt with the bank. She picks a fight with CHI in a heated argument. In the fight, HEI is injured and loses her memory.
For fear of losing the restaurant’s reputation, TUNG decides to put on a show and pretends to be HEI’s elder brother while SING acts as her husband. Cello teacher YIP TSIK-LEUNG (Sammul Chan) plays HEI’s son and his girlfriend, TAI YING-LEI (Natalie Tong) is assigned the role of HEI’s cousin.
In the meantime, YUNG is fired from the bank but now claims that she is a shareholder and plans to reform the entire restaurant. Now all three owners want to make decisions but all three have different ideas. A triangular power struggle is developed in the process.
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