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Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English and Malay
Episodes 1-32
演员 Cast:
佘诗曼 Charmaine Sheh
陈 豪 Moses Chan
钟嘉欣 Linda Chung
黄浩然 Wong Ho Yin
陈法拉 Fala Chen
马国明 Ma Kwok Ming
关菊英 Kwan Kuk Ying
李香琴 Lee Heung Kam
Reluctant to marry into the Tibetan royal family, the wilful Princess CHIU YEUNG (Charmaine Sheh) has to find herself a husband as soon as possible. Owner of a gold store TING LOI-HEI (Kwan Kuk Ying) recommends her second and third sons, KAM DOR-LUK (Moses Chan) and KAM DOR-SHAU (Wong Ho Yin) to the Princess, hoping that the royal marriage would bring them out of financial crisis and somehow save their family business.
Not wanting his brother to sacrifice for the family, DOR-LUK offers to marry the Princess himself. Shortly after the marriage, YEUNG begins to show her true self. She needs the KAMs to treat and respect her as a distinguished princess instead of a family member. Even the spiritual leader of the family Granny KAM (Lee Heung Kam) is not spared.
YEUNG's handmaiden SZETO NGAN-PING (Fala Chen) is a haughty young woman who has no regard for anyone, not even the government matchmaker TING YAU-WAI (Ma Kwok Ming). The KAMs cannot put up with YEUNG anymore and decide ally and fight back. But to everyone's surprise, NG SZ-TAK (Linda Chung), the most vigorous maid of the family takes YEUNG's side and goes against the KAMs.
After back and forth bickering, LUK and YEUNG are on the verge of breaking up for the third time. The matter is drawn to the attention of the royal family and finally settled by Emperor TAIZONG. Marrying the Princess is supposed to bring LUK wealth and honour, but all that glitters is not always gold, especially when the bride is such a self-willed shrew.
刁蛮任性的昭阳公主(佘诗曼)为避嫁吐蕃急招驸马,一代金店掌舵人丁来喜(关菊英)主动送上门,因二儿子金多禄(陈豪)及三儿子金多寿(黄浩然)均 属单身,希望借此解决金店面临的财困危机。兄弟情深,多禄为救家业,主动答应亲事。谁料公主过门后尽显骄横跋扈本色,要求金家上下向她行君臣之礼,金家至 高的精神领袖金太夫人(李香琴)也难逃一劫,公主的心腹侍婢司徒银屏(陈法拉)更不可一世,尊卑不分,连官媒丁有维(马国明)也不放眼内;金家各人不甘受 屈,合力反抗,但金家出名的大力丫环吴四德(钟嘉欣)却倒戈相向,与公主站在同一阵线。公主斗驸马,三合三离,各施各法,最后更闹上皇宫,要由太宗亲自平 息风波……。娶得皇帝女,当然想夫凭妻贵,但娶着这位野蛮公主,又岂能百忍成金?
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