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Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese
Episodes 1-25
Jessica Hsuan
Sunny Chan
Joyce Tang
Patrick Tang
Selena Li
Career-minded magistrate KO HEI MAN (Hsuan Jessica Hester) gains full support from her loyal husband KOT KWOK KWONG (Chan Kam Hung, Sunny) so that she is able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, MAN strongly believes that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles every challenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the household duties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed by mother-in-law. MAN just takes things for granted but fate continuously to convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.
MAN feels sympathized with HO SAU SAU (Tang Lai Ming, Joyce) who suffers from slight mental disorders. Trying to help, MAN allows her to come into her family but this creates an opportunity for SAU to replace MAN's role as a wife and a mother completely. KWONG is seriously injured during a car accident. His relative KOT TAK WAN (Lee Sze Chit) lectures KWONG how to fight against MAN and this leads to serious communication breakdown between the couple. Swindler HO SHI FU (Hui Shiu Hung) appears in MAN's life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in fact the father of a senior official.
"Just Love II" is a story about law and human nature. How would the couple tide over the difficulties?
裁判官高希敏(宣萱)婚后得到廿四孝丈夫葛国光(陈锦鸿)的无限量支持,在事业上愈战愈勇,纵然面对法庭内刁钻棘手 的案件及千奇百怪的对手也无畏无惧,全因她坚守"法律面前人人平等"的信念;在家庭上无牵无掛,纵然面对家婆的无声抗议及千篇一律的家务琐事也从容自在, 全因她奉行"男主内,女主外"的理念;她把一切看作理所当然之时,命运让她经历了一次又一次不能单用法理去解释的严峻考验。
一名患有轻度精神病的何秀秀(滕丽名),因希敏对她的身世起了怜悯之心,竟大开门户让她闯进其生活圈子,為她制造无 限进佔自己家庭、甚至取替其作为妻子及母亲地位的机会;继而是国光因车祸入院重伤,被亲戚葛德云(李思捷)教唆接连欺骗希敏,令两夫妻陷入分裂边缘;最后 是不打不相识的骗徒何时富(许绍雄),一个在希敏眼中低下卑鄙的流氓,竟然是堂堂高官的亲生父亲..
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