
6DVD $9
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Language : Cantonese, Chinese
Subtitle : Chinese, English
Episodes 1-30
Michael Tao
Sonija Kwok
Joey Yung
Ron Ng
Sammul Chan
Kate Tsui
Kenny Kwan
Chin Kar L
Chung Lap-Man (Ron Ng) and Lee Pak-Kiu (Sammul Chan) patrolling the streets of Hong Kong with fellow senior constables. During one patrolling shift, Pak Kiu messes with the wrong group of gangs, Cheng Chi-Keung (Wai Ka Hung) and Cheung King-Fung (Michael Tao).
After realizing that Pak-Kiu got screwed over by Chi-Keung, Fiona Ma Oi-Lam (Fiona Sit) tries to clear Pak-Kiu's name from the complaint by Chi Keung. Fiona and Lap-Man finds Chi-Keung and King-Fung dealing drugs in a parking lot and tries to photograph their drugs-transaction. Fiona accidentally sets off a car alarm and is discovered by Chi-Keung and King-Fung, holding her hostage. Pak-Kiu tries to rescue Fiona, instead he gets shot in the side of his head by Chi-Keung and subsequently Chi-Keung shoots Fiona in the stomach, consiquently she dies. Pak Kiu then wakes up in the hospital and finds out that Fiona is dead and blames it all on Lap-Man. Throughout the whole series, conflict and extreme hatred for each other is constantly shown between them.
Half a year later, Lap-Man and Pak-Kiu are introduced to their new sergeant, King-Fung. Turns out King Fung was an undercover police officer responsible for the arrest of Chi-Keung earlier. Lap-Man and Pak-Kiu both develop a sense of hatred towards King-Fung. Lap Man gets angry and files a fake complaint letter on King Fung. King Fung's sister, Cheung Nim-Yan (Joey Yung), who is an investigation constable, discover the fake letter prank.
Lap-Man and Pak-Kiu then meets Kuk Ming-Cheung (Chin Ka Lok), who tells him about Pak-Kiu's father, Lee Man-Shing, (Michael Miu). Apparently Pak Kiu's father and King Fung had a bitter past. During this time, Pak Kiu tries to take some psychology classes to try to build up a better resume when he applies for an inspector position within the police department. Yuen Wai-Nei (Sonija Kwok) joins Pak Kiu's classes as she thinks its beneficial to police officers.
Man Ching (Kate Tsui) comes to Hong Kong from the United States in hopes of finding her mother, who turned out to be Lap Man's aunt. Man Ching then develop feelings for Lap-Man, even though she is aware of his girlfriend. Trying to get Man Ching off of his back, Lap Man challenges her to be a police officer at the Police Training School (PTS). Man Ching accepts the challenge. Yuen Ka-Fu (Kenny Kwan), Yuen Wai-Nei's brother, coincidentally just came to Hong Kong from Canada. He was expelled from a Canadian university, and applies to be a police officer. He meets Man Ching in the training.
King-Fung, Ming-Cheung, and a few other sergeants receive a letter that tells them they will be training for the Police Tactical Unit (PTU). During the time at the training camp, Ming-Cheung tries to screw King-Fung over. During the training Pak-Kiu and Lap-Man always get into arguments, their behaviour then noticed by King-Fung, Ming-Cheung. One day Lap-Man tells Ming-Cheung that King-Fung no longer holds a grudge against Man-Shing and that everything is back to normal, Ming-Cheung then becomes all friendly to King-Fung.
At this time, Wai-Nei is still angry over the fact that her ex-husband, King-Fung had "slept" with another woman and that she doesn't forgive him. One day King Fung goes to make this glass vase as it has sentimental value to both him and Wai Nei, he gives it to her and they are back together.
Lap-Man and Nim-Yan slowly starts to get closer and develop feelings for each other. But knowing that Lap Man has a girlfriend, Ho Fa (Tavia Yeung) and Man Ching has a crush on him, Nim Yan backs off. Wai Nei and King Fung's relationship grows and plans to get married. At this time, King Fung encounters Yip Ling-Fung (Selena Li). Ling-Fung runs into some financial problems and King-Fung helps her. On the day of Wai-Nei and King-Fung's wedding, Ling-Fung tries to draw King-Fung's attention by attempting to commit suicide. King-Fung tries to get Ling-Fung to cooperate, but she ignores him, eventually King-Fung has to go with her to the hospital and becomes extremely late for his wedding. As soon as he gets to his wedding, Wai-Nei calls off the wedding and vows that she will no longer be friends or anything with King-Fung. At this time Wai-Nei finds out that she is pregnant with King-Fung's baby.
Wei-Nei soon discovers that Pak-Kiu has developed feelings for her and is willing to be the baby's father...
經過二十七週警校訓練,立文與柏翹等一眾學警終於passing out了。兩位新紮師兄被派到油麻地分區同一小隊,成為真正的警員。柏翹希望可以盡快成為督察,以報答亡父 及好好照顧外祖父。為了可以盡快升職,柏翹嚴守警察通例,樣樣按本子辦事,不求有功但求無過。立文因為性格 遠比柏翹來得衝動,對一個好警察的定義也不同,所以處事方法亦有別。一次柏翹巡邏時截查一班蠱惑仔,結果因為經驗不足,被蠱惑仔頭目景峰戲弄到不知如何是好,結果事後還被景峰 的手下傻強投訴,令柏翹要接受警方內部調查。柏翹為此耿耿於懷,怕事件已紀錄在案,影嚮晉升前 途。
一次落更後,靄琳與立文剛巧遇到景峰、傻強等人形跡可疑,就拉著立文跟蹤景峰等,希望發現景峰傻強之罪証。 時柏翹正在當值,發現二人行動,但立文去到已是太遲,只見靄琳被傻強以槍擊斃倒臥地上…
目睹靄琳中槍身亡,柏翹大受打擊,一時間對發生的事感到混亂無法接受。柏翹忍無可忍向立文爆發,認為立文要 為靄琳之死負上全責,因柏翹覺得因為立文心紅想破案所以才會帶同靄琳去追查景峰等人,二人間已暗暗產生了芥 蒂。
半年後,立文與柏翹仍然是油麻地分區的軍裝警員,始知原來半年前柏翹立文遇到的景峰正擔任臥底,現已立了大 功所以升任為沙展,並調到二人環頭的軍裝巡邏小隊,成為二人的上司。
通常一般警員要做了軍裝小隊巡邏警員一年以上,才會被選中入機動部隊受訓成為「藍帽子」,但柏翹在半年後就 向上司自薦要入營,因為入機動部隊是警員晉升一個必備的條件。而景峰因為新升任沙展,亦需要入機動部隊從新 接受訓練。
三人需要面對為期十二週的嚴格訓練。立文與柏翹在小隊中明爭暗鬥,以爭奪機動部隊最佳警員為目標。機動部隊 最講求的就是團隊精神,立文、柏翹的明爭暗鬥令到小隊的表現大受影響,教景峰大為頭痛。景峰亦不忍見到兩兄 弟重蹈當日自己跟李sir的覆轍,為令二人和好,向柏翹講出當日並不是立文衝動所以累死靄琳…
後來機動部隊參與了一次世貿的行動,示威不單衝破了機動部隊的防線,亦令這對曾經反目的好朋友明白大家的友 情是如何珍貴。終於,這次世貿行動不單令二人和好,還令二人變成更有默契、關係更緊密的好兄弟 。
正當三人成為合作無間的機動部隊小隊時,柏翹開始不斷浮現靄琳死時的一幕,心理輔導醫生讓柏翹記起當日靄琳 死的真相,柏翹竟不知如何面對…
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